Monday 24 November 2014

Inspiration? Where can I get it? What will inspire me?

Inspiration? Where can I get it? What will inspire me?

I often get asked about my inspiration for any kind of art project. I understand why people ask me that, it can be hard when you are told "Have 30 new ideas for a new collection! NOW! START!"

Here are some things which help me:

1. Keep a camera phone on me so I can photograph all the nice textures, colours and subjects I see, like the owls here.

2. Keep a mini sketchbook in my handbag. I have had big ones but I just give up carrying them.

3. Go and buy every book on travel or animals or whatever in every local charity shop and cut them up to make a wall full.

4. Vogue magazine - still the best.

5. Do art projects with my daughter or other kids, which leads to grown up ideas for me.

6. Go to an exhibition, V&A, Tate National, and London Textile and Fashion Museum are really good.

7. Talk to someone with a different art form about there project, my musician friends give me inspiration for visual art - go figure.

8. Finally start on the ideas you have and new ones will come out of working, don't second guess your ideas and wait for a better one to start.

I hope this is helpful to there artists and designers. 

Best, Kirsteen